Number of Afghan figures returning to the country increasing day by day

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, said that the number of Afghan figures returning to the country is increasing day by day.

Ekleme: 14.12.2022 14:06:16 / Güncelleme: 14.12.2022 14:06:16 / English News
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Kabir met with a number of lawyers of the House of the People or Wolesi Jirga at the ex-administration in Kabul.

The lawyers of the house of people at the ex-administration shared their experiences, advice, and suggestions regarding the current political, economic and social situation of the country with the Deputy Prime Minister of the IEA for political affairs.

They termed Afghanistan their home and the Islamic system as their legitimate system and vowed to cooperate with the new Islamic Emirate system, added to the statement released.

Kabir said that Afghanistan is the common home of all Afghans, adding that everyone has a responsibility toward the development of the country.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan respects all Afghan personalities and cadres and welcomes their return to the country, Kabir added.

Mawlavi Kabir said the number of Afghan figures and cadres returning to the country is increasing day by day, adding that the Islamic Emirate respects the cadres’ advice and suggestions for rebuilding the country. (ILKHA)