Zionist forces kill Palestinian young in West Bank

A Palestinian young man was killed by israeli gunfire at the Deheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem in the West Bank early on Monday morning.

Ekleme: 05.12.2022 09:41:10 / Güncelleme: 05.12.2022 09:41:10 / English News
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The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that a young man was killed while six others were injured during Dheisheh military raid.

Local sources affirmed that the zionist occupation forces stormed the camp and raided several houses amid heavy fire of live ammunition, and gas and sound bombs, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes.

Thus, the young man, Omar Manna Fararja, was killed during the clashes after being shot in the chest, while six others were wounded by live fire and taken to hospital for treatment.

Three more youths were detained during the raid, including two brothers.

A general strike was declared in Bethlehem, mourning Omar Manna Fararja. 

Since the start of the year, 216 Palestinians were killed by zionist occupation army. (ILKHA)