Albanians take streets to protest rising costs

Tens of thousands of people gathered in front of Prime Minister Edi Rama‘s office in Tirana to protest against corruption and the country’s cost of living crisis.

Ekleme: 29.11.2022 01:11:30 / Güncelleme: 29.11.2022 01:11:30 / English News
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Thousands of people attended the protest that was held after the opposition Democratic Party of Albania had called for a demonstration outside the Prime Minister's Office on Deshmoret-e-Kombit Boulevard in Tirana.

The protesters denounced the rising cost of living and the current government's policies during the event.

Although the protest was mostly peaceful, some broke the police line and sprayed red paint on the main doors of the government building.

Some protesters lit candles to memorize two people killed by police in the last years. (ILKHA)