Türkiye successfully overcomes post-pandemic challenges, Erdoğan says

Turkish president sent a video message to the “Türkiye Entrepreneurs Meeting and 9th Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony” organized by the Entrepreneurial Businessmen Foundation and the Türkiye Youth Foundation.

Ekleme: 25.11.2022 17:05:19 / Güncelleme: 25.11.2022 17:05:19 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that they will not stop until they build a great and powerful Türkiye, and they will continue their struggle with determination, and said: “We will not allow terrorism or the imperialist gangs that hold the reins of the terrorist organization to prevent us from our path.”

In his message, Erdoğan thanked all entrepreneurs who produce, make investments, start up new businesses, develop their businesses for Türkiye, and become a source of pride for the nation with their achievements at home and abroad, saying that humanity is going through a difficult time that began with the Covid-19 pandemic and has been exacerbated by the tension between Russia and Ukraine.

Erdoğan noted that many economies, including those of developed countries, are faced with serious challenges, from inflation to recession, from job losses to energy and food crises, and added:

“Thankfully, Türkiye, which has successfully managed the pandemic, is also overcoming these post-pandemic challenges. We are witnessing the positive effects of our economic model, which is based on growth through investment, employment, production, export and current surplus. We were one of the G-20’s fastest-growing countries during the Covid-19 pandemic that deeply shook the world economies. Our growth rate last year was 11 percent and 7.5 per cent in the first half of this year. Despite a rise in labor force participation, we have surpassed the 31 million threshold in employment.”

"We value uninterrupted investment moves"

Pointing out that they are taking firm steps towards their targets by breaking a new record in exports every month, Erdoğan said:

"We value uninterrupted investment moves. By opening the factory of our domestic electric car, TOGG, on October 29, we have made another 60-year-old dream of our nation come true. On Tuesday, the largest dam in our country, Yusufeli Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant, was inaugurated with great excitement across the nation. Almost weekly, in a different city, we inaugurate factories, production facilities and other projects that our public and private sectors have delivered to our country. Step by step, we continue to realize the concrete projects of our vision for the Century of Türkiye. Inshallah, we will not stop until we build a great and strong Türkiye. We will continue our struggle with determination. We will not permit terrorism or the imperialist gangs that wield the reins of terrorist organization to impede our progress. I sincerely believe that we will make the 21st century the Century of Türkiye with the support and contribution of you, our young entrepreneurs."

Erdoğan congratulated those who contributed to the organization of the event, especially the Entrepreneurial Businessmen Foundation and the Türkiye Youth Foundation, as well as the institutions and entrepreneurs who deserved the Entrepreneurship Awards. (ILKHA)