Zionist forces kidnap at least 22 Palestinians in Jerusalem, West Bank

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem at dawn Tuesday.

Ekleme: 22.11.2022 14:20:16 / Güncelleme: 22.11.2022 14:20:16 / English News
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At least 22 Palestinians were kidnaped during the campaign, including ex-prisoners and minors.

In Ramallah, two ex-prisoners were rounded up in Silwad town, while two brothers were detained in Deir Abu Mishaal town. Another ex-prisoner was detained in Barqa town, east of the city.

In Nablus, the ZOF arrested a 16-year-old teen from his family house in Balata refugee camp.

Asra information office affirmed that several other Palestinians were detained during the raids, including two youths from Jenin and another from al-Khalil.

Two more arrests were reported in Tulkarem while at least four Palestinians including minors were detained in Occupied Jerusalem, the source added. (ILKHA)