Hamas: Al-Qassam’s martyrdom inspired the Palestinian resistance

Palestine Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has released a statement on the 87th anniversary of Sheikh Izzuddin al-Qassam's martyrdom.

Ekleme: 20.11.2022 14:40:14 / Güncelleme: 20.11.2022 14:40:14 / English News
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The Hamas Movement has said that the martyrdom of Sheikh Izzuddin al-Qassam, the son of the Syrian City of Jableh, on the land of Palestine while defending it and its holy sites confirms that “the path of resistance is the only way to defeat the Israeli occupation” and that “the Palestinian cause belongs to the entire Arab and Muslim nations.”

In a statement on the 87th anniversary of his martyrdom, Hamas expressed its pride that its armed wing was named after Sheikh Izzuddin a-Qassam, and saluted all those “who follow in his footsteps and still carry the banner of resistance as a strategic option to extract the Palestinian people’s rights and liberate their land and holy sites.”

The Movement urged the Palestinian masses across the occupied territories to continue their struggle against the occupation to foil its aggression, siege, Judaization and settlement plots.

It also called on the Arab and Muslim nations and the world’s free people to support the Palestinian people’s steadfastness and their legitimate struggle for the liberation of their land.

On November 20, 1936, Sheikh Izzuddin al-Qassam was martyred in the woods around the village of Ya’bad in Jenin after British troops laid an ambush for a group of resistance fighters he was leading.

His martyrdom had a deep impact throughout Palestine and contributed to the outbreak of the Arab revolution in the following year. (ILKHA)