Erdoğan, zionist Netanyahu hold phone call

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke by phone with Likud Party Chairman and Prime Minister-elect of the zionist occupation regime, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ekleme: 17.11.2022 17:35:18 / Güncelleme: 17.11.2022 17:35:18 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
Destek için 

Netanyahu called President Erdoğan to extend his condolences over the terrorist attack in Istanbul, the Turkish Presidency said in a statement.

Netanyahu also noted that Türkiye's mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine were important to the world.

Thanking Netanyahu for his condolence call, Erdoğan voiced his sadness over the incident in West Bank two days ago, according to the statement.

Erdoğan said that “it was in the shared interest of Türkiye and israel to maintain the relations by respecting sensitivities on the basis of mutual interests, and to strengthen them on a sustainable basis.” (ILKHA)