Zionist occupation forces kill 46 Palestinian children in 2022

46 Palestinian children have been killed in 2022, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP).

Ekleme: 27.10.2022 11:51:18 / Güncelleme: 27.10.2022 11:51:18 / English News
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29 Palestinian children were shot and killed by zionist forces or settlers in the occupied West Bank during the same reported period, DCIP added.

DCIP documented the killing of 17 Palestinian children between August 5–7 after zionist forces launched a military offensive in the Gaza Strip. 

Under international law, intentional lethal force is only justified in circumstances where a direct threat to life or serious injury is present. 

However, investigations and evidence collected by DCIP regularly suggest that zionist forces use lethal force against Palestinian children in circumstances that may amount to extrajudicial or willful killings.

According to DCIP, zionist forces have intensified arrest operations and incursions into Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank in recent months, leading to an increase in the number of Palestinian children killed by israeli forces. 

Dozens of Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the Israeli military launched its Operation “Break the Wave” on March 31, 2022.

2021 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014. Zionist forces and armed settlers killed 78 Palestinian children, according to evidence collected by DCIP. (ILKHA)