4th Prayer Workshop concludes with final declaration

Quranic Generation Platform held Sunday the 4th Prayer Workshop with the theme “Life is Beautiful with Prayer” in Türkiye’s southeastern Batman province.

Ekleme: 24.10.2022 10:06:18 / Güncelleme: 24.10.2022 10:06:18 / English News / Batman Haberleri
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The event, which aimed to increase the awareness of praying in the community, was held in two sessions at the Batman Provincial Directorate of Culture Conference Hall.

In the 4th Prayer (Salah) Workshop, which was held with the theme of "Life is Beautiful with Prayer" in three sessions at Batman Cultural Center on October 23rd, 2022, under the coordination of the Qur'anic Generation Platform, the current situation of Muslims in terms of daily prayers, the problems and needs in performing prayers, and suggestions for solutions were emphasized.

Opinion leaders, faculty members, writers, and many prayer volunteers from across the country participated in the workshop. After discussion and consultation among the participants, it was agreed to make the following Declaration:

1.“But they were succeeded by generations who neglected prayer and followed their lusts and so will soon face the evil consequences.” (Surah Maryam, 59)

The prayer is the pillar of the religion, the best worship, and the strong bond between a servant and Allah. All Prophets performed this worship and taught people it. However, when prayer was abandoned, as an inevitable consequence of breaking this fundamental bond between the servant and Allah, people succumbed to their lusts and turned away from divine orders. Undoubtedly, Allah's servants turning away from prayer in His dominion (all universe) is an act of ruthlessness and transgression that the divine sultanate will not leave unpunished.

2. At a time when the temptations of the end times in which we live invite people to commit sin everywhere, to reject all these invitations that are pleasant to the soul and to come into the presence of Allah five times a day is an indication that a person has reached the consciousness of servitude to Allah in a real sense. This consciousness makes one need to obey a supreme power and arrange one’s life according to it and gives a great spiritual taste.

3. “Whoever offers the morning prayer, he is under the protection of Allah.”  (Muslim, Mesajid, 262)

         Morning prayer is the servant's gratitude for a new day, a new life, and his coming to the presence of Allah, the owner of infinite might and generosity, and asking for help with all his weakness in the face of all the difficulties that will be encountered on this new day.

However, despite all the divine commands orders and encouragements, the morning prayer is the most abandoned prayer compared to other times. It is the time when mosques have the least congregation compared to other times. Therefore, if people is made aware of the importance of attending the morning prayer, it will lead to them going to the mosques regularly at all other times.

4. The whole earth is a mosque for the ummah of a prophet who says “The earth has been made a mosque for me. “ (Nesai, Mesâjid, 42)

 However, there is a need for masjids and mosques to strengthen the unity and brotherhood among believers and to fulfill many social duties. As a matter of fact, the use of Darul Arkam Erkam in Mecca and the construction of the Quba Mosque and Al Masjid an Nabawi in Medina at the request of our Prophet (PBUH) are the most concrete testament to this need. At the same time, the believers are strongly advised to pray in congregation in the mosques. There are two separate hadiths of our Prophet (PBUH) on the issue:

“The reward of a prayer performed in congregation is twenty-five times greater than that of a prayer performed by anyone of you alone.” (Bukhari, Adhan, 30)

“Whoever goes to the mosque in the morning and evening, Allah will prepare for him a place in Paradise for every morning and evening.” (Bukhari, Masajid, 662)

 Accordingly, masjids and mosques should never be left without congregation and prayer.

5. The Religious Culture and Ethics courses, which started in the 4th grade in primary schools, should be taught starting from the 2nd grade of primary school, and prayer education should be started from the age of 7, as the Prophet recommended, and should be covered widely in the curriculum.

6. While planning new settlement projects, it should be ensured that the schools and mosques are close to each other as possible in order to form a tight bond between the students and the mosque.

7. If the theoretical part of faith is kalima-i tawhid (uttering a confirmation of Allah's oneness), the most concrete testament to faith and proof of it is the five daily prayers. As per Our Prophet’s hadith that says “the only difference that distinguishes between a Muslim and an unbeliever is prayer”, a believer who does not pray is unthinkable. Just as life without water is not possible, faith without prayer remains only a claim. As prayer ensures the revival of believers and social regeneration, it is the only way to stand up together as an ummah based on the Sunnah of the Prophet.

8. As it is stated in the verse of the Holy Quran “Indeed, the prayer prevents from the immorality and evil deeds" (Surah Ankabut 45), prayer protects the person who performs it from evil. Again, prayer is purification since Prophet says “The parable of the five prayers is that of a river running at your door in which one cleanses himself five times a day.”

Therefore, as prayer is the best recipe for spiritual diseases, it is also the road to peace, security, and attaining salvation by earning Allah's pleasure. (ILKHA)