Mexico braces for Hurricane Roslyn

Hurricane Roslyn is expected to be at or near major hurricane strength when it passes near and makes landfall along the west-central coast of Mexico.

Ekleme: 23.10.2022 11:10:39 / Güncelleme: 23.10.2022 11:10:39 / English News
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“Roslyn is forecast to be at or near major hurricane strength when it passes near and makes landfall along the west-central coast of Mexico tonight and Sunday, accompanied by damaging winds and a dangerous storm surge,” the U.S. National Hurricane Center said, urging that preparations within the Hurricane Warning area along the west-central coast of Mexico should be rushed to completion.

“Heavy rainfall could lead to flash flooding and possible landslides in areas of rugged terrain over coastal southwestern and west-central Mexico,” it added.

Mexican authorities in Nayarit, Jalisco, and several other states have been setting up shelters.

Roslyn became a hurricane at 03:00 UTC, on Saturday, and rapidly intensified to a Category 3 hurricane six hours later. A few hours later, Roslyn strengthened to a Category 4 hurricane with 130 mph winds. (ILKHA)