Zionist forces kill Palestinian young man in West Ban

A Palestinian young man was shot and killed by the live bullets of zionist occupation forces (ZOF) on Saturday at the 109 checkpoint near the West Bank city of Qalqilya.

Ekleme: 23.10.2022 09:06:17 / Güncelleme: 23.10.2022 09:06:17 / English News
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The Palestinian ministry of health announced that 32-year-old Rabie Arafat Rabie was proclaimed dead after he was severely injured by IOF live bullets in the head.

Jewish settlers' websites had claimed that the Palestinian young man tried to carry out a car ramming attack, adding that a person whose identity was not revealed was wounded.

Walla Hebrew news website said that zionist forces stopped the Palestinian vehicle to search it, firing live bullets at the vehicle. It added that the Palestinian man tried to escape and stepped on an israeli soldier’s feet, slightly injuring him.

Meanwhile, a ZOF spokesperson claimed that the Palestinian driver tried to smuggle a group of workers through the crossing. (ILKHA)