“On the 19th anniversary of his passing, I commemorate with respect and mercy the late Aliya Izetbegovic, the first President of friendly and brotherly Bosnia and Herzegovina, who made a place for himself in history by his leadership and services to his people,” Erdoğan said in a post on Twitter. (ILKHA)
Halkına yaptığı liderlik ve hizmetlerle adını tarihe yazdıran, dost ve kardeş Bosna-Hersek'in ilk Cumhurbaşkanı, dava ve fikir insanı merhum Aliya İzzetbegoviç'i vefatının 19'uncu yıl dönümünde saygıyla, rahmetle yâd ediyorum. pic.twitter.com/8RoTpZPJ2g
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RTErdogan) October 19, 2022