Palestinian shot by ZOF in West Bank town proclaimed dead

A Palestinian young man was pronounced dead at dawn Sunday after he succumbed to a serious bullet injury he sustained yesterday after the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) intensively used live ammunition during clashes with local youths in Salfit.

Ekleme: 16.10.2022 11:06:17 / Güncelleme: 16.10.2022 11:06:17 / English News
Destek için 

The Palestinian health ministry said that 30-year-old Ahmed Dawoud died of a critical injury in his chest after the ZOF opened fire at him and others in Qarawat Bani Hassan town, west of Salfit.

On Saturday, the health ministry said that 10 Palestinian citizens were injured, including three in critical condition, after the ZOF stormed Qarawat Bani Hassan, adding that the ZOF obstructed the access of local farmers to their olive groves and forced construction workers to leave their workplaces in the town. (ILKHA)