Zionist occupation forces kidnap several Palestinians in W. Bank and Jerusalem

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) kidnaped at dawn Tuesday a number of Palestinian citizens in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 20.09.2022 11:51:15 / Güncelleme: 20.09.2022 11:51:15 / English News
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According to local sources, the ZOF kidnaped a young man from his home in ash-Shawawra village, east of Bethlehem.

Another citizen was reportedly taken prisoner by the ZOF at a military checkpoint near the Jabel al-Rahma Mosque in al-Khalil City.

Later, a brawl ensued between israeli soldiers and Palestinian citizens at the same checkpoint.

In Jerusalem, the zionist occupation police kidnaped three young men during raids on homes in different towns. (ILKHA)