Palestinian woman dies of wounds sustained in 2006 zionist regime’s attack

A Palestinian woman was pronounced dead on Saturday after she succumbed to injuries she sustained in 2006 when Israeli gunboats massacred her family on the beach of Beit Lahia in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Ekleme: 18.09.2022 14:41:19 / Güncelleme: 18.09.2022 14:41:19 / English News
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Amina Ghalia, the sister of Huda Ghalia, died in Egypt after she spent the past 16 years of her life receiving medical treatment for serious wounds sustained in the Israeli attack, according to a source from the family.

On June 9, 2006, zionist regime regime’s gunboats launched a projectile attack on the family of Ghalia, killing her father, step-mother and five of her siblings as they were enjoying their Friday on the beach.

Video footage, taken at the time by a Palestinian television cameraman, showed and documented the details of the massacre, as the lens of his camera captured a heartrending scene of then-10-year-old Huda Ghalia running wildly on a Gaza beach crying "father, father, father" and then falling weeping beside his body.

The pictures of Huda's traumatic hunt for her father and other members of the family turned the girl into an icon of the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation.

The unjustified israeli attack has drawn widespread international condemnation for many years. (ILKHA)