Two Palestinians, one zionist officer killed in armed clashes

Zionist occupation forces (ZOF) have shot and killed two young Palestinian men in the northern part of the West Bank, early on Wednesday morning.

Ekleme: 14.09.2022 09:26:13 / Güncelleme: 14.09.2022 09:26:13 / English News
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Tensions have been rising across the occupied territories in recent weeks after zionist troops ratcheted up arrest raids and other repressive measures.

The zionist media sources claimed that the two Palestinians were detected near a Jalama checkpoint, north of the West Bank city of Jenin.

The ZOF soldiers surrounded the pair and opened fire at them, before they returned fire in their turn, the sources added, saying that the zionist soldiers "succeeded to neutralize the suspects".

Jenin mosques mourned the two martyrs as Ahmed Ayman Abed, 23, and Abdel Rahman Hani Abed, 24.

Meanwhile, the state-owned israeli television channel, Kan, reported that a zionist army official was killed in the exchange of fire. No other details were immediately available.

Following the incident, Israeli troops closed Jalama checkpoint to next Friday, restricting the locals' movement. (ILKHA)