Zionist forces launch large-scale raid campaign in West Bank

The zionist occupation forces launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign across the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem at dawn Tuesday.

Ekleme: 13.09.2022 10:06:18 / Güncelleme: 13.09.2022 10:06:18 / English News
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A Palestinian was detained in Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, while two others were rounded up in Tulkarm, including an ex-prisoner.

In al-Khalil, the zionist forces detained five Palestinians in Yatta town, south of the city. 

The zionist occupation forces also erected military checkpoints at the entrance to Sa'ir and Halhul where several vehicles were stopped and searched. Two Palestinian vehicles were confiscated.

A Palestinian young man, from Jenin, was also detained within the Green Line.

Three more arrests were carried out in Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, while two youths were rounded up in Occupied Jerusalem. (ILKHA)