Palestinian dies of injuries sustained in recent Jenin clashes

A Palestinian young man was proclaimed dead at dawn Sunday after he succumbed to injuries he sustained a few days ago during clashes with the zionst occupation forces (ZOF) in Jenin.

Ekleme: 11.09.2022 11:36:16 / Güncelleme: 11.09.2022 11:36:16 / English News
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Medical sources said that 24-year-old Hamad Abu Jildah died of a serious injury after a bullet penetrated his abdomen and led to the rupture of his spine and intestines.

Abu Jildah was wounded last Wednesday when the ZOF stormed Jenin City to demolish an apartment belonging to martyr Raad Hazem and clashed with local youths.

Martyr Abu Jildah was an ex-detainee who spent two and a half years in israeli jails. He got married recently and his wife is pregnant with their first child.

Following his martyrdom, al-Aqsa Brigades mourned him through loudspeakers and pledged to continue its resistance operations against the zionist occupation. (ILKHA)