Mudslides kill 4 in southwestern Uganda

At least four people were killed as torrential rains caused mudslides in southwestern Uganda, the country’s Red Cross Society said Saturday.

Ekleme: 04.09.2022 11:16:20 / Güncelleme: 04.09.2022 11:16:20 / English News
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“10 households in Mpuliya cell, Mpuliya ward, Ntandi town council in Bundibugyo District have been affected by floods, their property washed away and their houses have been filled with mud from the rain. Some children said to missing, 1 body of a 3 months old baby retrieved,” Uganda Red Cross Society said on Twitter.

“Our volunteers continue to conduct assessment in the affected area to guide on our next course of action,” the relief agency added.

In early August, at least 24 people died and more than 5,600 people were displaced by flash flooding in eastern Uganda. (ILKHA)