Prophet’s Lovers releases message on the occasion of Ashura Day

Prophet’s Lovers Foundation has issued a message regarding Ashura Day, the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, that occurred on the 10th of Muharram in Karbala.

Ekleme: 07.08.2022 13:36:12 / Güncelleme: 07.08.2022 13:36:12 / English News
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Muslims worldwide commemorate that tragic event on this day on 680 AD. It was a battle between good and evil. Imam Hussain, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), stood up against Yazid, whose rule was unjust and illegitimate.

Prophet’s Lovers Foundation underlined that the Karbala Massacre is still continue to bleed the hearts of Muslims although 1383 years have passed since the massacre.

“Ashura Day marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain who was the most beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and lived Quranic guidance from early childhood, and he remained deeply committed to the Quranic values of Justice and equality,” noted Mehmet Taş, Gaziantep coordinator of the foundation.

“Ashura Day has been observed since Prophet Abraham because many important events related to the history of humanity took place on this day. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) never abandoned fasting on Ashura Day since it was made obligatory even before Ramadan fasting. He said that the most virtuous fasting after Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muharram, pointing to the virtue of this month,” Taş said.

Mehmet Taş

Taş continued as follows: “Ashura Day has an exceptional importance in Islam as it is a day when serious events took place in the lives of many prophets. For example, Allah saved Moses and the Israelites from the cruel Egyptian pharaoh by parting the Red Sea on this day. The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, occurred on the 10th of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims worldwide commemorate that tragic event on this day on 680 AD. It was a battle between good and evil. Imam Hussain, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), stood up against Yazid, who was an impious person who did not show Islamic character or behavior to be a Khalifah. Imam Hussain refused to recognize or endorse his leadership over the rapidly growing Muslim Ummah and Muslim state. Imam Hussain’s resistance in Karbala is an exemplary struggle against brutal authorities. Karbala was not only a historical occurrence to be mourned but also a heroic saga which served as a pinnacle for resistance and struggle. It is a message for Muslims and all people who aims to lead a dignified life.”

Drawing attention to the ongoing brutalities against Muslims in many parts of Islamic World, Taş stated: Today, we hear and see Karbalas in Syria, Arakan, Yemen, Kashmir, Palestine, Egypt, East Turkestan, and feel the pains of them in the depths of our hearts over and over again every day. The Ummah cries out under the deadly swords of the oppressors. Unfortunately, humiliation and persecution has taken Muslims captive across world.”

“On the occasion of Ashura Day, we beseech Allah Almighty to put an end to the brutality, massacres and genocides that our Muslim brothers and sisters are suffered from all over the world, and wish Him to answer our prayers and lead the Islamic Ummah and all oppressed in the world to salvation,” he concluded. (ILKHA)