At least 17 people killed in Egypt bus accident

At least 17 people were killed and 4 others injured when a passenger microbus collided with a truck on a highway in the district of Juhaynah in Sohag province, Egypt.

Ekleme: 03.08.2022 12:11:20 / Güncelleme: 03.08.2022 12:11:20 / English News
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The accident took place late Tuesday, according to provincial authorities.

Ambulances rushed to the scene to carry bodies and the injured to the Sohag Public Hospital, local officials said.

Deadly traffic accidents claim thousands of lives every year in Egypt due to speeding, bad roads or poor enforcement of traffic laws.

In July, a passenger bus crashed into a parked trailer truck on a highway in the southern province of Minya, leaving 23 dead and 30 more injured. (ILKHA)