HÜDA PAR: July 15 coup attempt thwarted by the courageous acts of people

HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party) Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu spoke to Doğru Haber newspaper on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of foiled coup.

Ekleme: 15.07.2022 17:41:20 / Güncelleme: 15.07.2022 17:41:20 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Yapıcıoğlu noted that the US was behind the July 15 coup attempt, underlining that that the coup attempt failed thanks to the courage and heroism shown by the Muslim people.

“The target of the foiled coup seemingly was the elected government of Turkey. In fact, the coup was intended to target the people themselves. Ignoring the will of the people, they wanted a group of putschist soldiers to lead and administer the country instead of the elected rulers. But, thanks to Allah, they failed. There is no doubt that the failed coup was orchestrated and planned by the United States. From the past to the present, all military coups in the country have been attempted, planned, and supported by the United States. Despite this fact, the USA is still seen as a strategic partner by those who govern Turkey. Who needs enemies when you have US as friend? Because you would be in trouble all the time,” Yapıcıoğlu said.

Underlining that the government survived a very dangerous challenge on July 15, 2016, Yapıcıoğlu continued his remarks as follows: “But the government owes its survival to the courage and heroism shown by the Muslim people with the permission and will of Allah. The nation, who had surrendered to military coups several times in the past, stood against tanks and warplanes this time and foiled the military coup at the cost of their lives.” (ILKHA)