Zionist forces kill Palestinian young in Jenin

Palestinian young man was killed by zionist occupation forces (ZOF) gunfire during a raid into Jenin at dawn Wednesday.

Ekleme: 29.06.2022 10:51:11 / Güncelleme: 29.06.2022 10:51:11 / English News
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Local sources affirmed that Mohammed Maher Mar'i breathed his last at Jenin government hospital after all attempts to save his life went in vain.

Mar'i was shot and seriously injured during the ZOF raid, while two other youths were detained.

Medical sources affirmed that Mar'i, 25, was shot in the chest after ZOF troops violently stormed the eastern neighborhood of Jenin.

Mar'i is the latest fatality in the West Bank city that has seen an uptick in ZOF raids over the past few months. 27 Palestinians were killed in Jenin since the start of the year. (ILKHA)