Zionist forces kill 15 Palestinian children since beginning of 2022

Defense for Children International - Palestine on Sunday said that zionist regime has been escalating its violations against Palestinian children in Jerusalem and the West Bank since the beginning of 2022.

Ekleme: 27.06.2022 09:26:19 / Güncelleme: 27.06.2022 09:26:19 / English News
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A report issued by the organization, on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, pointed out that Israel has killed 15 Palestinian children since the beginning of 2022, including 5 children from Jenin. 16-year-old Mohammad Hamed from Silwad town in Ramallah was the last child killed in 2022.

According to the report, 17 Palestinian children were arrested after their homes in the West Bank city of Jenin were stormed at night, while 6 other children were injured. The report also cites that 6 Palestinian-owned homes, which sheltered more than 16 children in several villages of Jenin, were demolished. 

“Israel continues to enjoy impunity and protection for its crimes against Palestinian children, which encourages it to further kill, arrest, and injure Palestinian children,” the organization warned, calling on the international community to take urgent measures in order to prosecute Israel at international criminal courts. 

The organization added that in 2021, 78 Palestinian children were killed, including 60 children killed in May during the israeli assault on Gaza, another child from Gaza killed after the assault, in addition to 17 children killed in the West Bank including two killed by Jewish settlers. (ILKHA)