Zionist forces kidnap 11 Palestinians in West Bank

The zionist occupation army said its forces arrested 11 Palestinian citizens at dawn Thursday during a campaign in different areas of the West Bank.

Ekleme: 16.06.2022 13:36:14 / Güncelleme: 16.06.2022 13:36:14 / English News
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In a statement, the Israeli army added that the arrests took place in al-Khalil, Bethlehem, Tulkarem, Silwad, Hableh, Kafr Qaddum and Shuweika.

For their part, local sources said that the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) stormed areas in Tulkarem and kidnaped three citizens from their homes.

Two other citizens were taken prisoners during IOF raids on homes in Kafr Qaddum town, east of Qalqilya.

The ZOF also kidnaped two others from al-Khalil City and Aida refugee camp in northern Bethlehem.

In east Jerusalem, the Israeli police kidnaped a young man after ransacking his home in Silwan district, south of the Aqsa Mosque. (ILKHA)