European Orphan Hand starts accepting donations for Feast of Sacrifice

The European Orphan Hand (Avrupa Yetim Eli), an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has started its efforts to distribute the meat from sacrificed animals to the needy around the world as part of Eid al-Adha.

Ekleme: 22.05.2022 15:51:07 / Güncelleme: 22.05.2022 15:51:07 / English News
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The organization, which aids orphans and the needy across the World, will continue its relief efforts at Eid al Adha, an Islamic festival commemorating the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail to Allah.

After completing its preparations to deliver the meat of sacrificed animals to those in need, the organization started accepting donations with the slogan “There are people who are waiting for you during Eid al Adha”.

This year, the organization determined the slaughtering fees as 100 Euros in Asia-Africa, 150 Euros in Yemen, 180 Euros in Turkey-Balkans, and 300 Euros in Palestine.

Serdar Şişman, the deputy chairman of the European Orphan Hand, said that they will sacrifice animals in many countries in Asia, Europe, and the Balkans.

“Donors can donate their sacrificial animals to us on our website,” Şişman noted and added: “We will slaughter the animals entrusted to us at home (Turkey) and abroad in accordance with Islamic principles and deliver them to those in need.” (ILKHA)