Leader of Hizbullah Jama’ah Edip Gümüş issues message for Eid Al Fitr

The head of Hizbullah Jama’ah, Edip Gümüş, has released a written message on Eid Al Fitr, advising all Muslims to maintain the beautiful behaviors and habits they have obtained during Ramadan.

Ekleme: 02.05.2022 09:06:15 / Güncelleme: 02.05.2022 09:06:15 / English News
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At the beginning of his message, Gümüş quoted an ayah from the Holy Qur’an that says: “We shall house those who believed and acted righteously in the lofty mansions of Paradise beneath which rivers flow. There they shall remain forever. How excellent a reward it is for those who acted (in obedience to Allah). Those who patiently endure, and put their trust in their Lord!” (Surah Al-Ankabut 58-59)

“Praise to be Allah who has enabled us to reach Eid Al Fitr after Ramadan, the month of worship, contemplation, repentance, forgiveness, and brotherhood. Peace and blessings be upon our leader, the messenger of Allah, Muhammad Mustafa, the epitome of worship, good morals, justice, and trust, who taught us how to do all these things and showed us them with his life, and upon his family, his companions and those who follow him until the Day of Judgment,” Gümüş said.

Gümüş went on to say: “I hope that Eid Al Fitr would bring peace, freedom, joy, welfare, and good to the Islamic Ummah. First of all, I would like to congratulate Eid al Fitr of the parents, wives, and children of the martyrs, who sacrifices their lives to gain the pleasure of Allah, the Muslim prisoners and migrants and their families, and my brothers and sisters who are rushing around day and night to serve our cause.”

“During the blessed month of Ramadan, you performed prayers with the guidance and grace of Allah, and many of you performed your tarawihs in the evenings and Tahajjuds in the nights. You recited the Holy Qur'an individually and collectively, turning your dwellings into a rose garden like paradise. You came together with relatives at iftars and helped those in need,” Gümüş reminded and added: “I hope that your repentance and prayers to Allah to turn all your weaknesses and shortcomings into strength and perfection would affect the course of your lives throughout the next year.”

Gümüş advised all Muslims to maintain the beautiful behaviors and habits they have obtained during Ramadan.

At the end of his message, Gümüş once again congratulated Muslims on Ramadan and expressed his hopes and prays that those who had been away from their family and friends due to emigration, captivity, or illness would spend the following holidays with their loved ones. (ILKHA)