HÜDA PAR Chairman urges Muslim countries to cut all relations with zionist regime

HÜDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu spoke at an online symposium titled “Jerusalem Under Siege” organized by his party on the occasion of the World Quds Day.

Ekleme: 30.04.2022 14:41:08 / Güncelleme: 30.04.2022 14:41:08 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Wishing the symposium to be beneficial for the Palestine cause, Yapıcıoğlu reminded that the holy city of Jerusalem and first qibla of Muslims had been under occupation for more than 100 years.

Stating that the oppression and persecution of Muslims has never dwindled since the British occupation started in 1917, Yapıcıoğlu noted that Palestinian Muslims suffered greatly and paid a heavy price, especially after the occupation of the zionists.

Yapıcıoğlu said: "The disrespect towards the sanctity of Masjid al-Aqsa increases especially during Ramadan and this situation unfortunately continued this year. Barbaric attacks took place against Muslims who prayed and practiced i'tikaf in Masjid al-Aqsa. In these attacks, some of our brothers were martyred, hundreds of them were injured, and hundreds of our brothers were taken prisoner. Again, a handful of believers protected Masjid al-Aqsa for the honor and dignity of the Islamic Ummah as a barrier to the recklessness of the Zionist invaders. On this occasion, I greet our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Masjid al-Aqsa with gratitude. May their martyrdom be blessed and their souls rest in peace."

“The main aim of the Zionists is to completely occupy and destroy Masjid al-Aqsa”

Pointing out that the attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa were carried out within a certain plan, Yapıcıoğlu said: "The main aim of the Zionists is to completely occupy the Masjid al-Aqsa, even to demolish the mosque and build the Temple of Solomon in its place. In fact, the existence of Masjid al-Aqsa is seen by the Zionists as the biggest obstacle to dominating the 'Arz-ı Mev'ud', that is, the promised land. Zionists believe that when they remove this obstacle, they will reach their goals faster."

Yapıcıoğlu said: “Praise be to Allah; the epic struggle of our Palestinian brothers has foiled the evil plans of the zionists until now. However, the Zionists will not stop, they will do what their character needs, they will shed more blood to achieve their dirty goals, they will destroy Palestinians’ homes, they will occupy their lands and they will continue to hurt more Muslims.”

Stating that the attacks against the Masjid al-Aqsa, the holy place of the Islamic Ummah with a population of 1 billion 800 million, are unacceptable, Yapıcıoğlu said: “The case of Aqsa and Jerusalem should take the place it deserves on the agenda of Muslims. Muslims should sleep with Jerusalem and get up with Jerusalem. All plans and calculations should be made according to Jerusalem.”

“As the process takes longer, we will have to pay heavier prices”

"Unless Jerusalem is free, the ummah will not be free. As long as the occupation continues, neither the Islamic ummah will be able to achieve peace nor dignity," Yapıcıoğlu underlined.

Yapıcıoğlu continued as follows: “In this context, the last Friday of the month of Ramadan has been marked as the 'World Quds Day' for years across Islamic World in order for the Jerusalem cause to enter the agenda of Muslims. These days should not only be the days of purely heroic speeches, but also the days when short, medium and long-term concrete calculations are made in order to end the occupation. “The starting point of these plans and calculations is to ensure unity and solidarity among Muslims. The freedom of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa depends on it.  Let’s not forget that Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa are in captivity, not because the zionists are very strong and brave, but because the Muslims are scattered and passive. As we have stated on various occasions before, we need to move this issue beyond rhetoric.  As the process takes longer, we will have to pay heavier prices.”

“On this occasion, I would like to once again call upon the leaders of Islamic countries and the individuals and structures that lead Muslims,” Yapıcıoğlu said and added: “If we want Allah to be pleased with us and our peoples to remember us with goodness, which is what we want, let's put aside the disagreements and conflicts between us, and simple calculations of interest, and unite as brothers and sisters around the Jerusalem cause, as Allah has commanded.  If we can achieve this, we will have opened the door to victory by Allah's leave. I appeal to the rulers of Islamic countries: If you cannot do anything for the freedom of the Holy Land and Bayt al-Maqdis, at least avoid helping the invading oppressors.”

“Islamic countries should cut off all relations with the zionist occupation regime”

“Finally, I would like to conclude my speech by underlining the following: Any relationship with the Zionists will weaken the cause of Jerusalem, will upset our brothers fighting there on behalf of the Ummah, will make the invaders happy, and will bring along new occupations and massacres. The normal thing is to cut off all kinds of relations with the zionists, to end the occupation and to liberate Jerusalem.  Any attempts or attitudes that are contrary to this will only prolong the captivity of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa,” Yapıcıoğlu concluded. (ILKHA)