HÜDA PAR: US aims to destabilize Pakistan through political upheaval

HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party) has blamed the United States for stirring political conflict in Pakistan, where Imran Khan was ousted from his position as prime minister after 174 legislators voted against him in a no-confidence motion.

Ekleme: 19.04.2022 16:06:11 / Güncelleme: 19.04.2022 16:06:11 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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In its weekly statement on regional and global issues, HÜDA PAR touched upon Pakistan’s political conflict, the ongoing Chinese persecution in East Turkestan, and the recent zionist regime’s attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque.

Political tension in Pakistan

“The USA tried to overthrow legitimate governments with civil and military coups and aimed to cause turmoil when its interests were in danger in many countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan and Turkey. The political tension in Pakistan aims to destabilize the country and threatens all countries in the region, especially Afghanistan.  In order to ensure peace in the country and to form a government in accordance with the will of the people, elections should be held immediately.”

East Turkestan should not be left unattended

Regarding the Chinese persecution in East Turkestan, HÜDA PAR said: “State terrorism, such as assimilation, intervention in family structure, violation of the innocence of residence, domination over houses and workplaces, and blocking the right to worship, continues with all its violence.  The persecution in East Turkestan, which has become the Palestine of Asia, is ignored and principles are sacrificed for interests. It is not understandable that Islamic countries, in particular, abstain from this persecution of Muslim people.  As in Palestine, the oppressed people of East Turkestan are left unattended against the tyrannical regime.  The situation of the Islamic world, which is stuck between the USA and China and cannot follow an independent and principled policy, is deplorable. Justice should not be sacrificed to interests, and passive policies against the persecution and genocide that Muslims are subjected to should be abandoned.  The Islamic world should take a stand against cruel governments by reaching out to the oppressed, especially East Turkestan.”

The zionist occupation regime's raids on Masjid al-Aqsa

“The Zionist occupation regime has been carrying out the raids on Masjid al-Aqsa in Ramadan once again this year as it did in the previous years. Dozens of Palestinians were martyred and hundreds were injured in the attacks that have been escalated in different parts of Palestine since the beginning of Ramadan. Hundreds of Palestinians were wounded in the attack by the occupation police against the congregation praying in Aqsa and the murabits during the morning prayer on the 14th day of Ramadan, and hundreds of them were kidnapped and captured with their hands tied,” HÜDA PAR said.

HÜDA PAR went on to say: “We condemn this desecration against the Masjid al-Aqsa, the first qibla of Muslims, and the attacks on Muslims who are in worship. We wish God’s mercy on our martyred brothers and a speedy recovery to the injured.”

Noting that it is unacceptable for Islamic countries to remain silent in the face of these attacks, the HÜDA PAR concluded as follows: “Jerusalem and Aqsa are sacred and Islamic lands, not just for Palestinians and Arabs, but for all Muslims. These embarrassing attitudes of some Islamic countries, which are in a race to develop relations with the Zionist regime, increase the occupation and persecution and encourage the occupation regime.  The Islamic countries, especially Turkey, should abandon this strangeness and take action for the end of the brutality of Zionism and the freedom of Masjid al-Aqsa.” (ILKHA)