France Orphan Hand distributes cash assistance to needy in Uganda

France Orphan Hand (Fransa Yetim Eli), an international help organization based in Paris, has distributed cash assistance to hundreds of families in need in Jinja, a town in southern Uganda, on the shore of Lake Victoria.

Ekleme: 10.04.2022 14:21:07 / Güncelleme: 10.04.2022 14:21:07 / English News
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The organization, which aids orphans and the needy in many countries across the world, including Tanzania, Palestine, and Turkey, is continuing its relief efforts in Uganda, where 2.6 million people or 23% of the population face high levels of acute food insecurity.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency on their charitable activities in the country, Ümit Ataş, a volunteer at France Orphans Hand, stated that they continue to deliver the aid donated by benefactors to people in need.

“We distribute the aid that philanthropists donated to the organization to orphans and needy people in Uganda. May Allah accept the good deeds of the benefactors. The more donations made to us, the more we will reach those in need,” Ataş said.

He also called on benefactors, especially those living in Europe, to increase their donations (ILKHA)