Erdoğan’s visit widely covered in Uzbek press

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s official visit to Uzbekistan was widely covered by the country’s press.

Ekleme: 31.03.2022 17:31:10 / Güncelleme: 31.03.2022 17:31:10 / English News
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Erdoğan's two-day visit to Uzbekistan, which ended yesterday, was announced on the front pages of all national newspapers published in Uzbekistan. Erdoğan's visit to Uzbekistan was covered in the headlines of New Uzbekistan, Xalq So’zi (People's Word), Uzbek Avaz, Pravda Vostoka, Narodnoe Slovo, Milliy Tiklanish, and the XXI Asr (21st Century) newspapers.

“A new era begins in the development of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation"

UzA, Uzbekistan's national news agency, released its news report on Erdoğan's visit under the headline "A new era begins in the development of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation."

Recalling that Türkiye was the first country to recognize Uzbekistan's independence, and the Eternal Friendship and Cooperation Agreement was signed between the two countries in 1996, the news stated, "Our peoples are closely connected to each other with their centuries-old history, common language, religion, values, and traditions. Today, friendly relations between countries based on mutual trust are getting stronger."

In the news report, it was noted that a series of agreements aimed at further expanding the parties' cooperation was signed following the talks and that a cooperation agreement was struck within the same framework between Türkiye's Anadolu Agency and the UzA.

“Erdoğan’s visit was fruitful and noteworthy”

The headline of the People's Word newspaper announced Erdoğan's tête-à-tête and inter-delegation meetings with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Erdoğan's official visit to Uzbekistan on March 29-30 was detailed in a news report titled "The visit of Türkiye's President to the country was fruitful and noteworthy." According to the news report, the Uzbeks and Turks are brotherly peoples who have been closely connected for centuries with strong historical and cultural ties, and the Turks regard Uzbekistan as sacred and admire it as their ancestral homeland.

Erdoğan's visit was also covered in the Russian-language newspaper Narodnoe Slovo, with the headline "A new era in Uzbekistan-Türkiye relations.” According to the news report, nearly ten agreements were signed to strengthen relations between the two countries at the end of the meeting held as part of the 2nd Meeting of the Türkiye-Uzbekistan High-Level Strategic Council, during which key points for expanding bilateral relations were discussed.

According to the news article, Erdoğan laid a wreath at the Independence Monument in the recently constructed Yangi O’zbekistan Park, making him the first foreign president to visit the park.

“The visit will elevate bilateral relations to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership”

Pravda Vostoka newspaper likewise features President Erdoğan’s visit in the headline, and the first two pages are devoted to President Erdoğan’s visit and relations between Uzbekistan and Türkiye.

The article in the newspaper titled “Uzbekistan-Türkiye economic relations in new realities” underlines that bilateral trade volume has increased 2.5 times in the last five years, and Türkiye has become the 4th largest commercial partner of Uzbekistan in 2021.

The article highlights that “The agreements reached as a result of the talks have elevated bilateral relations to a new level; they have enabled them to reach the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.” and “The visit is particularly noteworthy since Türkiye, a G-20 member, supports Uzbekistan’s leading and locomotive position in Central Asia.”

“The doors of your ancestral homeland are always open for our Turkish brothers and sisters”

Milliy Tiklanish newspaper quotes Uzbek President Mirziyoyev as saying, “The doors of your ancestral homeland are always open for you, your Excellency, and all our Turkish brothers and sisters” while addressing the Turkish delegation during his meeting with President Erdoğan, in its headline.

The news piece highlights Mirziyoyev’s statements that the visit will offer new and broader opportunities for the enhancement of bilateral cooperation.

“My land is that of the beloved”

The XXI Asr newspaper used the headline “My land is that of the beloved”, referencing great Sufi Yunus Emre’s lines “My language is that of the bird, my land is that of the beloved” in a news piece emphasizing that Türkiye is the closest friend and brotherly country.

The news piece states that the friendly relations between the two states, founded on mutual trust, are constantly developing today and that this visit will elevate bilateral relations to the highest level. (ILKHA)