Turkey’s lignite production rises by 5.8% in January—statistical agency

Marketable production of lignite was 6 million 661 thousand 693 tons in January, the Turkish Statistical Institution said in a statement on Monday.

Ekleme: 28.03.2022 10:26:06 / Güncelleme: 28.03.2022 10:26:06 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
Destek için 

Marketable production of lignite increased by 5.8% in January compared to the previous month and by 21.3% compared to the same month of the previous year.

Marketable production of hard coal was 101 thousand 632 tons in January

Marketable production of hard coal decreased by 17.5% in January compared to the previous month whilst it increased by 5.8% compared to the same month of the previous year.      

Marketable production of coke derived from hard coal was 383 thousand 129 tonnes in January. This production decreased by 6.4% compared to the previous month and by 1.4% compared to the same month of the previous year.   

Imports of hard coal was 2 million 959 thousand 786 tons in January

Imports of hard coal decreased by 6.7% in January compared to the previous month and by 13.8% compared to the same month of the previous year.

Imports of coke derived from hard coal increased by 37.6% in January compared to the previous month and by 156.2% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The highest ratio of production to deliveries was in lignite in January

The highest ratio of production to deliveries was in lignite by 100.0% in January. This ratio was 76.7% for coke derived from hard coal and 3.0% for hard coal.

Hard coal and lignite were delivered mostly to thermal power plants

Concerning the deliveries of solid fuels in January, 65.4% of hard coal was delivered to thermal power plants, 13.4% to coking plants and 9.5% to industry (except iron and steel industry). Additionally, 83.1% of lignite was delivered to thermal power plants and 9.0% to industry (except iron and steel industry). Lastly, 90.5% of coke derived from hard coal was delivered to iron and steel industry. (ILKHA)