Zionist forces kidnap 11 Palestinians in dawn raids

The Zionist occupation forces (ZOF) kidnaped at dawn Tuesday 10 Palestinian citizens during raids on homes in different West Bank areas and one teenager from Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 22.03.2022 15:41:05 / Güncelleme: 22.03.2022 15:41:05 / English News
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According to local sources, the ZOF kidnaped two ex-detainees from their homes in Abu Shukhaydam village, northwest of Ramallah.

The ZOF also kidnaped three citizens, including a father with his son, during raids on homes in al-Jalazon refugee camp in northern Ramallah.

Five other citizens were taken prisoners during ZOF raids in areas in Bethlehem, Nablus and al-Khalil.

In Bethlehem, the ZOF stormed Jabel al-Mawalleh area and searched homes using dogs.

They also raided homes in other West Bank areas, including the houses of senior Hamas officials Ra’fat Nassif in Tulkarem and Abdul-Hakim al-Hanini in Beit Dajan town in eastern Nablus.

In east Jerusalem, the zionist occupation police kidnaped a teenager from the Old City. (ILKHA)