Zionist occupation forces kidnap at least 45 Palestinians in pre-dawn raids

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign throughout the West Bank at dawn Thursday.

Ekleme: 10.03.2022 14:06:15 / Güncelleme: 10.03.2022 14:06:15 / English News
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At least 45 Palestinians were detained during the raids, including an MP and members of the Hamas Movement, Palestinian human rights sources reported.

Ten arrests were carried out in Ramallah, including six in Silwad town. 

The ZOF also arrested the head of the nearby Beitin village council, Raed Hamed, after breaking into his family house in the village.

A young man was also detained in Ein Yabroud town and two ex-prisoners were rounded up in Beit Rima.

In al-Khalil, the ZOF soldiers arrested nine Palestinians from Yatta town, including the member of Hamas bloc at the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Khalil Rabi’i.

Another young man was kidnapped from Al-Samo town, south of the city.

In Qalqilya, eight Palestinians were detained from Azzun town.

In Bethlehem, five Palestinians including an ex-prisoner were rounded up from Duheisheh refugee camp, while three others were detained from the Aida refugee camp.

A young man was shot and injured during Bethlehem raids, where violent clashes were reported.

In Jenin, five Palestinians were rounded up in Jaba town including four brothers. (ILKHA)