Hamas voices concern over zionist officials’ regional visits

The Hamas Movement said that it followed with great concern the recent visits of zionist leaders and officials to a number of regional countries.

Ekleme: 10.03.2022 10:06:10 / Güncelleme: 10.03.2022 10:06:10 / English News
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In a statement on Wednesday, Hamas expressed its dismay and regret at such israeli visits to “Arab and Islamic countries,” which it described as “a strategic depth for the Palestinian people and their national cause.”

The Movement called on the Arab and Islamic countries “to not give the Zionist entity an opportunity to infiltrate the region and tamper with their people’s interests.”

The Movement reiterated its rejection of all forms of communication with the zionist occupation state “that violates the sanctity of the Islamic holy sites and persists in besieging the Gaza Strip, displacing the Palestinian people, detaining thousands of their prisoners, killing their children and demolishing their homes.”

It called for more solidarity with the Palestinian people who are in the vanguard of defending the Muslim nation’s holy sites and interests. (ILKHA)