More than 200,000 people take exam held to teach life of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

More than 200,000 people throughout Turkey entered the exam on the Life of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him), which is organized by Prophet Lovers’ Foundation with the motto "Read Him, Live Him".

Ekleme: 13.02.2022 15:06:10 / Güncelleme: 13.02.2022 15:06:10 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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The exam, which started at 11:00 am at the centers determined by the Prophet Lovers’ Foundation, finished at 12:30.

During the exam, participants answered 75 multiple choice questions on the Life of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him).

“The exam has been held at 332 exam centers in 77 provinces and 260 districts across Turkey," said Yahya Oğraş, a spokesman for the foundation.

“Our main goal in the exam is to enable our people to learn about the life of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). By this means, our young people get the habit of reading books every year,” Oğraş added.

Oğraş also thanked all participants for their time and effort in participating in the exam.

The participants, who would be successful in the exam, will be rewarded with various awards such as Umrah, bikes, tablets, and notebooks. (ILKHA)