Zionist regime strikes several targets in Syria

Sirens and an explosion were heard in Um Al-Fahm, occupied Palestine, followed by ambulance sirens and a fire eruption, local sources reported.

Ekleme: 09.02.2022 09:31:05 / Güncelleme: 09.02.2022 09:31:05 / English News
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Zionist occupation military claimed that it targeted Syrian missile batteries and radar after an anti-aircraft missile was fired towards "israel".

According to The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), one soldier was killed and five others wounded, along with material damage.

“The Israeli aggression perpetrated in the early hours of this Wednesday caused the death of a soldier and seven others were injured, in addition to causing some material damage, according to a military source,” the agency said.

The agency also noted that Syrian regime air defenses shot down a number of “israeli aggression's missiles” around the country's capital Damascus

One of the Syrian SAM missiles probably missed the fighter jets and exploded in the sky, which led to the rocket sirens in Umm Al-Fahm and the area of Samaria. (ILKHA)