Zionist forces storms towns in West Bank and Jerusalem

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) last night stormed Sur Baher town in east Jerusalem and other towns in western Jenin, with no reported arrests.

Ekleme: 06.02.2022 10:10:14 / Güncelleme: 06.02.2022 10:10:14 / English News
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According to local sources in Jerusalem, dozens of police forces stormed Sur Baher town and spread through its streets.

The forces entered the town after local youths threw Molotov cocktails at a police station.

The ZOF also stormed the towns of Silat al-Harithiya and Ti'inik, set up checkpoints on roads, and carried out raids on homes.

Meanwhile, an israeli armored vehicle reportedly sustained damage on Saturday evening after Palestinian resistance fighters opened fire at it near Jenin.

According to the Hebrew media, gunmen opened fire from a speeding car at a border police vehicle after the latter stormed western Jenin.

The police officers on the vehicle returned fire, but the car managed to escape the area.

In a related context, a resistance group calling itself Hizam an-Nar (Belt of Fire) announced its responsibility for carrying out three shooting operations within one hour against the IOF in western Jenin. (ILKHA)