Turkey’s President Erdoğan attends appointment ceremony of teachers

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech during the appointment ceremony of 15 thousand teachers at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center.

Ekleme: 31.01.2022 16:46:04 / Güncelleme: 31.01.2022 16:46:04 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Addressing a ceremony for the appointment of 15 thousand teachers, Erdoğan said: “We consider every penny spent for education to be the biggest investment made for our country’s future. Indeed, when we came to power in 2002, we promised that education would be the first of the four pillars on which our country would rise.”

Noting that the education army would strengthen further with the appointment of 15 thousand new teachers, Erdoğan said Turkey, therefore, would gain another significant advantage to continue education services without interruption amid the pandemic.

“We have completed the first term of the 2021-2022 school year very successfully despite the pandemic,” the President stressed, adding that schools across Turkey stayed open thanks to teachers’ efforts, guardians’ diligence, and students’ adherence to rules.

“We have allocated the biggest share from every budget we have prepared to education”

Describing every penny spent for education as the biggest investment made for the future of the country, Erdoğan said: “When we came to power in 2002, we promised that education would be the first of the four pillars on which our country would rise. Accordingly, we have allocated the biggest share from every budget we have prepared to education.”

The number of teachers appointed over the past two decades totals 729,487, highlighted the President, stressing that with the latest appointments, Turkey has equaled, and even surpassed in some areas, the OECD average with respect to students per teacher ratio. (ILKHA)