Hamas hails Kuwaiti player for refusing to face zionist opponent

Hamas Movement hailed the position of young Kuwaiti player Mohammed al-Awadi for refusing to play against an israeli opponent in an international tennis tournament held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Ekleme: 29.01.2022 12:06:02 / Güncelleme: 29.01.2022 12:06:02 / English News
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Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasem stressed in a statement on Friday that "this genuine Arab stance taken by al-Awadi goes in line with the consciousness of the Arab and Muslim world and should be added to the lists of honor."

“This move reflects the noble national position of the Kuwaiti Emir, government, and people by rejecting all forms of normalization with the israeli occupation and constantly supporting the Palestinian people and their right to fight for their land and holy sites,” he went on saying.

He further stressed that Kuwait's official and popular stance against normalization confirms that all attempts to divert Arab and Muslim attention from the Palestinian cause have failed. (ILKHA)