Zionist police assault Palestinian protesters in Negev

New clashes erupted on Friday evening between Palestinian youths and the zionist police forces in Tel Al-Saba village in the Negev.

Ekleme: 15.01.2022 11:56:04 / Güncelleme: 15.01.2022 11:56:04 / English News
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During the clashes, angry protesters blocked the main entrance to the village by burning tires.

At least one young man was detained during the confrontations.

Meanwhile, zionist police forces intensified their numbers in the nearby village of Sa'wat al-Atrash.

Tensions have been flaring in Negev villages, unrecognized by the zionist occupation regime, for the past week.

Since the start of the week, the situation had spun out of control in Negev especially in Al-Atrash village, after israeli forces intensified attacks and arrests against the local residents protesting israeli displacement and confiscation policies.

During the attack, zionist police forces fired rubber bullets and stun grenades at the local residents and prevented their access to their confiscated lands.

Dozens of Palestinians, including minors and women, were detained during the events. (ILKHA)