Germany’s arms sales reach $10b high during Merkel’s final days in office

Merkel’s government approved €5 billion in warships and missile defense deals as it prepared to leave office.

Ekleme: 26.12.2021 13:56:00 / Güncelleme: 26.12.2021 13:56:00 / English News
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Germany’s arms exports reached a record level after Merkel’s administration approved a deal worth nearly E5 billion.

The agreements were signed off during Merkel’s last nine days in power, according to the response of the Ministry of Economy to a parliamentary question by Left Party member Sevim Dağdelen.

With the last-minute deals, Germany’s total weapons exports hit a record E9.04 billion for the whole of 2021.

The previous record high for German arms sales was E8.015 billion in 2019.

The main recipient of German arms is Egypt’s Sisi government, which is heavily being criticized by the international community for its human rights violations and involvement in conflicts in Yemen and Libya. (ILKHA)