Turkey: We expect all Libyan parties to act with sense of responsibility

Turkish Foreign Ministry has issued a press release regarding the postponement of elections in Libya.

Ekleme: 24.12.2021 14:46:01 / Güncelleme: 24.12.2021 14:46:01 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Describing the elections in Libya as a significant turning point in the transition process, the Ministry said: “The holding of elections in a fair, credible and independent manner, recognition of the election results by all parties in Libya and the exercise of authority by the new government throughout the country are critical in terms of ensuring unity and integrity of Libya.”

The Ministry reminded that Turkey has been advocating from the outset that the elections must be held on a solid legal basis. “At this stage, it is important that the calm on the ground is preserved and all aspects related to elections are decided by the Libyans through a legal framework and on the basis of common understanding.”

“Following the elections, any legitimacy or power vacuum until the formation of a new government should be avoided for the well-being of the brotherly people of Libya. Accordingly, we expect all Libyan parties to act with sense of responsibility and prudence,” the Ministry underlined.

The Ministry emphasized that Turkey will continue to support friendly and brotherly Libya and all people of Libya without distinction, and contribute to the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.

On Tuesday, the head of the High National Election Commission (HNEC) ordered the dissolution of the electoral committees nationwide. The commission proposed that the first round of the presidential election be postponed by a month to 24 January.

The postponement was a result of disputes about fundamental rules governing the election, including over the voting timetable, the eligibility of the main candidates, and the eventual powers of the next president and parliament. Days before the first round was scheduled to take place, the election was already up in the air, with no official list of candidates presented to the public and no formal campaigning under way.

On Wednesday, the parliament of Libya confirmed the postponement. The chairman of the election committee said: ”After consulting the technical, judicial, and security reports, we inform you of the impossibility of holding the elections on the date of December 24, 2021, provided for by the electoral law,” without giving a new date. (ILKHA)