Hamas: Stabbing israeli jailer natural response to israeli repression

Hamas Movement has welcomed the stabbing attack carried out by the prisoner Youssef Al-Mabhuh on an Israeli jailer in Nafha prison late Monday.

Ekleme: 21.12.2021 16:06:00 / Güncelleme: 21.12.2021 16:06:00 / English News
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Ezzet Al- Resheq, a member of Hamas political bureau, Ezzet Al- Resheq, said the attack is “a natural response to the escalation faced by the female prisoners.”

He further warned the Zionist regime against “continuing its crimes against female prisoners.”

Resheq also held the zionist occupation authorities fully responsible for any attack or escalation against Palestinian prisoners.

“Our people cannot accept any attack on Palestinian female prisoners. Their support is a national and religious duty,” he added.

Earlier Monday, israeli prison authorities in Nafha jail carried out a massive crackdown against the prisoners after a Palestinian inmate carried out a stabbing attack on an israeli jailer in retaliation for the israeli Prison Service’s abuse of female prisoners in Damon Prison.

Prisoners in section 12 in Nafha prison were tied by iron chains, and left in the prison yard without winter clothing or blankets. Other prisoners were sent to solitary confinement. (ILKHA)