Zionist forces kidnap several Palestinians in West Bank

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) arrested at dawn Thursday several Palestinians, including ex-prisoners, during a large-scale raid campaign in different areas of the West Bank.

Ekleme: 16.12.2021 13:50:56 / Güncelleme: 16.12.2021 13:50:56 / English News
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In Jenin, the ZOF soldiers rounded up two ex-prisoners after raiding and searching their homes. Another local man was investigated in his house.

In Bethlehem, a 20-year-old young man was detained from his family house. Several local houses were also stormed and searched.

Three more residents were summoned for investigation.

An ex-prisoner was also arrested in Nabuls, while four youths, including a university student, were detained in al-Khalil.

Two more arrests were carried out in Jericho.

The zionist occupation army often carries out detention raids against Palestinians in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, claiming to arrest wanted Palestinians.

The zionist regime currently holds 4,650 Palestinians, including 34 women, 160 children, and 500 administrative detainees in its jails. (ILKHA)