Palestinian leader Sheikh Raed Salah released from jail

Zionist authorities released Palestinian leader Sheikh Raed Salah after 17 months in prison, his defense lawyer said.

Ekleme: 13.12.2021 14:05:58 / Güncelleme: 13.12.2021 14:05:58 / English News
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Hundreds of Palestinians stood outside Megiddo prison in occupied Haifa city to welcome Salah, in a show of solidarity with their preacher.

Salah, who was arrested on February 10, 2020, served 17 months of solitary confinement under harsh conditions inside israeli occupation jails.

Sheikh Raed Salah Abu Shakra is a Palestinian religious leader from Umm al-Fahm, Occupied Palestine. He is the leader of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in occupied Palestine.

He became the mayor of Umm al-Fahm in 1989 but stepped down in 2001 to focus on his religious activities.

Salah is a popular figure in the Muslim world and among Palestinians for his staunch defense of al-Aqsa against what they see as israeli attempts to take it over.

He has held sermons praising the “defenders of al-Aqsa” and his Northern Branch has organized free bus trips from Palestinian localities in Occupied Palestine to Jerusalem in order to strengthen the bond between Muslims and the holy site.

The zionist occupation regime has accused Salah of inciting to violence and of supporting terrorism. It has arrested Salah numerous times and he has spent many years in Israeli prisons.

In 2021, Raed Salah was awarded Al-Murabit Prize by the International Union of Muslim Scholars. (ILKHA)