Zionist regime kidnaps Palestinians in West Bank and Jerusalem

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) arrested, at dawn Friday, five leaders and activists affiliated with the Hamas Movement and stormed several homes in Ramallah.

Ekleme: 10.12.2021 11:31:00 / Güncelleme: 10.12.2021 11:31:00 / English News
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Ex-prisoners were among the reported detainees, while clashes broke out during the arrest campaign.

Meanwhile, ZOF soldiers arrested late on Thursday several Palestinians from Jenin and Jerusalem.

The Palestinian young man Omar Wasfi Deeb Rabay'a, from the town of Maythaloun in Jenin district, was detained at Al-Karama Crossing upon his arrival from Jordan.

Seven other Palestinians were rounded up in Occupied Jerusalem, including an ex-prisoner.

On Thursday, the ZOF launched a large-scale arrest campaign in the West Bank and Jerusalem, rounding up 30 Palestinians.

The arrest campaign mainly targeted university students and ex-prisoners. The arrests were also accompanied by a large-scale raid campaign across Nablus villages and towns.

Earlier on Wednesday, zionist police forces arrested 14 Palestinians, including seven women and three minors, in Occupied Jerusalem. (ILKHA)