Hamas slams zionist regime for moving ministries to Jerusalem

Hamas movement stated that the zionist occupation’s decision to transfer the ministries to Jerusalem is a failed attempt to impose fake realities on the ground.

Ekleme: 19.11.2021 10:31:08 / Güncelleme: 19.11.2021 10:31:08 / English News
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“The israeli occupation move is a continuation of attempts' series to impose Israeli sovereignty on Jerusalem and prove that the city is a ‘unified capital’ for the state of the Israeli occupation,“ said Haroun Nasr Al-Deen, a member of Hamas political bureau.

The Hamas official called for adopting a national position against the Israeli occupation move to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem.

“The steadfastness of our people in Jerusalem is the rock on which the israeli endeavors to Judaize the holy city will be broken”, said Nasr Al-Deen.

He also noted that the zionist occupation exploits normalization to Judaize the holy city of Jerusalem, adding: “The israeli conduct shows how awful normalization of ties with the israeli occupation is.” (ILKHA)