Hamas slams Palestinian Authority for political arrests in West Bank

The spokesman of Hamas Movement, Hazem Qassem, has issued a statement regarding the policy of political arrests by the PA in the West Bank.

Ekleme: 15.11.2021 09:25:58 / Güncelleme: 15.11.2021 09:25:58 / English News
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“Escalation of political arrests in the West Bank by the PA’s security services is a crime against our Palestinian people, as this only serves the occupation and its policies,” Qassem said.

Reminding that there is a wide range of violations against Palestinian citizens in the West Bank through political arrests, suppressing freedoms, and confiscating their right to expression, Qassem said: “PA’s continued political arrest policy disregards all national considerations, especially in light of the unprecedented escalation of the Zionist colonial settlements in the West Bank.”

“A comprehensive national position is required to end the PA's behavior and prevent it from intruding on the Palestinian people's freedoms in the West Bank,” he added. (ILKHA)