28 years passes since the martyrdom of Abdulkadir Selcuk

Abdulkadir Selçuk, a devout young Muslim who was known for his extraordinary care and diligence in Islamic activities, was killed by criminal gangs in Turkey’s southeastern Diyarbakir on November 9, 1993.

Ekleme: 10.11.2021 10:36:03 / Güncelleme: 10.11.2021 10:36:03 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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In the 1990s, when the Islamic cause was like a shirt of Nessus, Muslims living in southeastern Turkey suffered from persecution almost as much as the Prophet’s Companions did.

On the one hand, the PKK's pressure on the people of the region, on the other hand, the brutalities of criminal gangs of Turkish Deep State like JİTEM were intended to not give Muslims the right to life. Muslims, who did not hesitate to live an Islamic way of life despite all the persecution, distress, torture, and poverty they suffered, were attacked and martyred almost every day.

The family of Martyr Abdulkadir Selçuk spoke to Ilke News Agency regarding his exemplary life and character on the 28th anniversary of his martyrdom.

Sabiha Selçuk

Martyr Abdulkadir's mother, Sabiha Selçuk, said that her son was a person who always fulfilled his responsibilities since he was a little child.

Selcuk said that her son, Martyr Abdulkadir, neither was choosy in eating nor bemoaned financial hardship.

Selçuk stated that her son always used to give advice to family members and stated that he got on well with everyone around him.

Talking about the dreams some people had about her son, Mother Selçuk said: “After Abdulkadir was martyred, my sister said, 'My sister, I saw Abdulkadir in my dream'. When I asked her how she had seen him in her dream, she said, 'People were all running in one direction and saying that the Prophet had come. So I went that way and saw that Abdulkadir was there and people were running towards him.' Also, my neighbor told me about her dream of Abdulkadir. 'Abdulkadir was feeding the pigeons on the top floor of a white building.' she said. After Abdulkadir was martyred, we hung his picture in the hallway of our house. Every time I passed in front of that picture; I couldn't help but cry. The martyr came to my dream one day and said, 'Mom, remove that photo from there, you look at it and cry every time you pass it.' “

Mehmet Selçuk

Stating that Abdulkadir was born in Diyarbakır in 1972 and completed his high school education in the neighborhood where they lived, his brother Mehmet Selçuk said that he was a person known for his courage even before he joined the Islamic Jemaah.

“I was impressed by my brother's religious conversations and started to follow in his footsteps”

Selçuk said: “When my brother was in high school, he met a religious friend who worked for the Islamic Jemaah and started performing prayers after being impressed by him. Since he did not have a sense of selfishness, he wanted his family members to be saved as well. Therefore, he began preaching the universal message of belief in one God and kindness to humanity to us. I was also impressed by his religious conversations and started to follow in his footsteps.”

“He was never satisfied with his good deeds; he was trying to do more”

Stating that great changes took place in his elder brother Abdulkadir after he started to live a pious life, Selçuk said: “I personally saw ‘Tawbah an-Nasooha’ (to repent purely and piously in the presence of Allah) in him and I was very impressed by it. It made me feel a sense that was affecting and renewing my cells. My brother's conversation was so sincere that it was impossible not to be impressed by his religious conversations. His sincerity stemmed from the importance he gave to righteous deeds. He was never satisfied with his good deeds, he was trying to do more. He would catch up with people in every need and help them. He was focused on sacrificing his wealth, life, and youth in the way of Allah, in whatever way it was necessary. He wanted martyrdom from God wholeheartedly.”

“He met Allah with the martyrdom he wanted so much”

Speaking about the attack that martyred his brother, Selçuk said: “He was martyred on the 9th day of November 1993. He was shot dead in front of the house he visited. He met Allah with the martyrdom he wanted so much. We think that many forces took part in his martyrdom. Whoever caused this, we curse them with our burning hearts. We are saddened, but at the same time we are happy that he has attained the martyrdom that he so longed for.” (ILKHA)